Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Singapore: Eggs benedict at Nassim Hill Bakery

When I see poached eggs on small ciabatta rolls, I get an overwhelming urge to question the authenticity of this Benedict. Where is Benedict, and whom have you sent in his place?

Upon cutting through the short stack of single tomato and what looks like a mini potato, I again wondered why the chef chose to present it in this form. A ciabatta has no body. It is a porous bread, and its texture as well as the egg's gets lost in each bite. Thankfully the tomato or a ham if you so opt provides a contrast al dente bite.

The hollandaise was not its thick, buttery consistency which I guess on a lighter day is much appreciated. However the accompanying salad was densely dressed. All in all one must question the degree of difficulty in preparing this dish. It is minimal.

Order this dish for a healthier brunch option if your friend insists on their superior almond brioche, or maybe just get some poached eggs and toast from Killiney Kopitiam for less than five bucks.

Apologies, NHB, but my heart lies with a bread from another batter. Stay sweet, lay off the savories. And let's not even talk about your dinner pasta.

Nassim Hill Bakery
56 Tanglin Road
#01-03 Tanglin Post Office
+65 6835-1128

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